Contact Us
How to Register
Download a copy of the registration
form in Adobe Acrobat
PDF format. Fully complete steps 1-3 (one form per registrant, copies
acceptable). Payment must accompany each order.
Return registration form:
by fax: 206-441-6369
by phone: 888-571-6063
by e-mail:
by mail:
The National Congress on the Future of Pharmaceuticals in
Medical Care
Attn: Anthony Jacobs
2200 Alaskan Way
Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98121
Conference Hotel Information
A special rate of $152 (plus tax) per single or double, per night, has
been arranged for 12/5 through 12/13/99. Please make your reservations
directly with the hotel and mention The Future of Pharmaceuticals Conference
to receive the reduced rate. Reservations will be accepted until November
19, 1999. After that cut-off date, reservations will be accepted on a
space-available basis.
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
Reservations: 800-233-1234
(Please reference the The National Congress on the Future of Pharmaceuticals
to receive the reduced rate)
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